Step 1: Let us sign in opposition for you.

We will sign your name in opposition of SB 1186 & HB 2679. We will not use your information for any other purpose.

Step 2: Email the representative committee members.

Click the button to auto-generate an email OR copy the information below.

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  • ACT NOW! Protect Arizona from drugs!

  • Senators,

    I implore you to oppose SB1186 during the Senate Land, Agriculture, and Rural Affairs Committee

    scheduled this Thursday, February 1, 2024. SB1186. This bill will continue to allow fake drugs that look

    like marijuana to be sold in the open market with minimal restrictions or regulations. Do you know that this bill:

    -Has no zoning oversight regarding where drugs including THC are sold?

    -Will allow drugs to be sold near schools, parks, and daycares?

    -Allows for unlimited locations where drugs will be sold?

    -Allows for drugs to be sold from ice cream truck or any delivery company with no oversight?

    -Provides for no limit on the strength of drugs in the products.

    -Has no restrictions for who is allowed to retail drugs?

    -Does not mandate background checks for employees selling drugs

    -Lacks any fiscal benefit to the community via additional taxes.

    -Mandates the Department of Agriculture develops a program to oversee drugs in the marketplace?

    As a leader in this state, it is your responsibility to understand the long-term effects of supporting SB1186. Your legacy related to protecting Arizonans from drugs is at risk. Thank you for your consideration.


Step 3: Make a personal call.

Remember! Your voice matters.  Take a moment and call the Representatives.  

  • Ask them to oppose the bill.

  •  The regulated industry was born of the Voter Protected Medical Marijuana and Adult Use Acts.

  • You operate under the strict regulatory structure which is what the voters intended.

  • Your business provides hundreds of millions of dollars of tax monies to the state.  

  • Collectively you employ over 20,000 employees.  

  • Your local business creates opportunities that support Arizona's economic growth.

  • Your companies support hundreds of charities across the state.

  • All of this has been jeopardized by the allowance of unregulated drugs and will continue to be depleted with a secondary "marijuana" market.

  • Invite them to come and see your business!